
Info Usurpa is a alternative newsletter made in Barcelona since 1996. We gather the activities that are conducted weekly in squatted and non-squatted Social Centers, Ateneus and libertarian libraries, as well as self-managed gardens and other initiatives of this kind; we also include information about punctual events, protests, gatherings and so on. When we have the chance to do it, we include a couple of press releases, news articles, info on free radios, etc.

This newsletter is made possible by a group of like-minded people, in a spirit of selflessness and voluntarism, opposed to making a profit out of our activity. We try to respect the will of each collective, but errors might occur, so we invite you to dialogue about possible misunderstandings that might arise.

Our CRITERIA to publish activities is:

  • Usurpa publishes activities conducted in self-managed, squatted and freed spaces that share a anti-capitalist, anti-authoritarian and libertarian ideology. Non-squatted spaces that are run through these parameters are also included.

  • We publish activities that promote alternative leisure, self-learning and an alternative socialization.

  • All activities that obtain economic benefits must revert them to social causes such as: the self-management of collectives and communal spaces; projects supporting social causes; support to political prisoners; spreading of anti-capitalist, revolutionary and libertarian ideas…

  • We do not intend to publish activities were profits are made by private persons. It is hard to know the intentions behind each event, but as a general rule we trust the people who write to us. It goes without saying that information about the use of eventual benefits should be included in your email.

  • We don’t publish contents that could be considered as fascist, sexist, homophobic, heterophobic, xenophobic, racist, etc.

  • We don’t publish activities of political parties or groups related to them.

  • We don’t publish activities when the information is not complete and clear. Find the INSTRUCTIONS below.

All these aspects are permanently criticizable, modifiable and expandable as we go


This is how Usurpa works:

  • We only publish acts that collectives want to disseminate, so you’ll have to contact us each week through email to tell us what to add to the newsletter.

  • Usurpa’s week goes from Wednesday to Tuesday. This often creates misunderstandings. For instance, if you send us the weekly program from Monday to Sunday two days will be left out.

  • You can send us emails until Tuesday at 12h at: usurpa [at] riseup [dot] net

  • Permanent activities are shown in bold and with an underline, you can send them once and we’ll keep them posted, but – important!! – please remember to warn us if there is any changes!

  • The information we need is the following:

    • Title of the activity

    • Day

    • Hour

    • Place with the address and the nearest metro/train station. Although we might already know it, it’s helpful for us if you include it anyway.



Last, but not least, we understand Info*Usurpa as a tool that allows for a greater coordination and unity between ourselves. We find it that it is useful to gather on a couple of pages the activities of most social centers and so on. This is why we make this newsletter every week. Lately we’ve also been worrying about making a good distribution of the copies we print out each week, but we can’t do it alone, and thus ask you for reciprocity and to SPREAD INFO*USURPA.



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